

Aggression: Know the Difference

  There are different kinds of aggression that dogs can show. Not all of them stem from the dog being mean, but all of them can lead to serious injury if the signs are not interpreted properly.


Annual Holiday Raffle

Help us help others in Need with our Annual Holiday Raffle Date: Starts November 29/2016


My Pet Has A Lump- Should I Be Worried?

A common question I am asked is about lumps that pet owners have found on their pets.  These can be lumps on the surface of the skin or under the skin.  In general, lumps that have come up suddenly,


Cleo; Another Interesting Case

Just had another interesting case I wanted to share. The patient is Cleo, a female Old English Sheep dog/Poodle Cross, who is now a healthy 16-month-old. Cleo had a heart murmur when she was in for her 1st puppy visit at 8 weeks old. A heart murmur is an abnormal…