Blog: Cat

Cat eating from a bowl

FAQ – How Much Food Should I Feed My Pet?

We polled our veterinarians to find out the most common questions that pet owners ask when they are in for an exam.

Layla the dog on a walk

5 Tips for Walking Your Dog in Winter

Well, the snow and chilly temperatures have arrived here in Alberta. I enjoy taking my dog Layla for a walk in the winter and she loves to adventure in the snow. Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind while out walking in the winter months.

Cat Room

What Makes Our Cat Room Truly a “Cat Room”

We have taken the optimum steps to become a Cat-Friendly Practice and are certified by The American Association of Feline Practitioners.


My Story About Raising Orphaned Kittens

A few years ago, we were visiting a rancher friend of ours. On a tour of the barn, we came across an abandoned 3-week old kitten, who was later named Darryl. He was the first kitten of 12 that we have successfully fostered and rehomed, over the past two years.