Blog: Dogs

Greying senior dog with its mouth open

Senior Pets, Age is Not a Disease

Ageing is something that everyone and every species deal with, and for the most part, the experience is the same across the board.

Woman pouring dog food into a bowl for a waiting dog

Obesity in Dogs

Obesity is one of the most common issues seen in the veterinary profession,

Great dane standing in grass

Is My Pet a Good Weight?

We polled our veterinarians to find out the most common questions that pet owners ask when they are in for an exam. The first most common question was “Is my pet a good weight?”

why do puppies eat poop

My Dog Ate What?

Have you ever looked in the yard just to check on your dog and much to your surprise you see him eating his own stool? Well it can be an upsetting thing to see! The medical term is Coprophagia.  This is when a dog eats its own feces or stool….