Blog: Pet Care

bull terrier

Cannabis and Your Pet

Ten facts you should know:


My Story About Raising Orphaned Kittens

A few years ago, we were visiting a rancher friend of ours. On a tour of the barn, we came across an abandoned 3-week old kitten, who was later named Darryl. He was the first kitten of 12 that we have successfully fostered and rehomed, over the past two years.


Rabies: The Importance of Public Awareness

The topic of rabies seems to have popped up a number of times in Alberta, over the last couple of years. The nine cases reported in 2016 more than doubled the cases in the year before.


Why Do Cats Purr?

Think about sitting on the couch all curled up with your cat. You may be watching a movie, or sitting in front of the fire. You’re petting your cat and then you hear the purring sound.