Blog: Dental Care

dental health for pets

How to clean dog teeth without brushing?

Brushing your pet’s teeth is a challenge. And while it’s the most effective form of dental disease prevention, it isn’t always a viable option. Either our lives get busy and our pet’s teeth are forgotten, or the pet is impossible with having its mouth handled, no matter how much you’ve…

Dog lying on a blanket

Dental Disease: Why Are My Pet’s Teeth So Important?

As a veterinarian, I find some form of dental disease in almost every dog or cat that I examine regardless of age or breed. Approximately 80% of dogs and cats over 3 years old have some periodontal inflammation. Why are teeth so important? If you have ever had a toothache…

Dog holding a toothbrush in its mouth

Dental Health Care For Your Pet

As a veterinarian, I find some form of dental disease in almost every dog or cat that I examine regardless of age or breed.  Approximately 80% of dogs and cats over 3 years old have some periodontal inflammation. Why are teeth so important? If you have ever had a toothache…

Cat holding and biting a toothbrush

Why Is Dental Care Important For My Dog Or Cat?

Dental disease is one of the most common problems that I see in practice. Dogs and cats build up plaque on their teeth throughout the day just like people do. If this plaque is not removed with brushing, the plaque calcifies into tartar and forms the hard buildup that you…