Blog: Teams

Kiera McMaster

I was born and raised in Devon, England with a love for travel. I have lived and worked in the UK, USA, Australia and now Canada with the aim to eventually become a citizen. I chose to be in the veterinary field because I truly love animals. The thing that…

Jade Bencharsky, RVT

I graduated from VMA at NAIT in 2019. I worked at Mission ridge for a year as a VMA and decided I loved this field so much that I was going to go back to NAIT in 2020 to become an RVT. I returned to the Mission Ridge team as…

Dr. Amy Kachurowski

I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and attended the University of Alberta for my undergraduate studies. My love for travel and adventure sent me to New Zealand where I graduated from veterinary school in 2018. I joined the Mission Ridge team shortly after, where I am looking forward…

Carlie Brown, RVT

I always was fascinated with animals when I was younger, so finding a career that lets me help them every day, was everything I could ask for. I graduated from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in 2018. I joined the clinic right after my practicum ended in July 2018. Being a new…