Blog: Services

Urinalysis and Fecal Exam

Urinalysis is a test that can be performed in the clinic, or sent to a laboratory for analysis. Results of this test can tell your veterinarian many things regarding your dog’s health. For example, if your dog is experiencing normal concentration, shows any abnormalities such as bacteria, blood or glucose content….


Blood Tests

A blood test is one of the most common tests we perform to get information about your pet’s health. Our staff is fully trained to collect the proper samples needed and go out of their way to do this in the least stressful way possible for your dog.


We offer general x-rays and dental x-rays for all the common health problems. Our staff are fully trained and our equipment is regularly maintained to ensure very little exposure to radiation occurs to our patients.

Veterinarian holding a toothbrush in front of a dog

Dental Care

Dental disease is one of the most common diseases found in dogs of any age. There are many ways to help your dog have good oral hygiene which includes oral rinses, chews and toothbrush and toothpaste. Regular dental cleanings performed under anesthesia are also recommended every 1-2 years to ensure…