Blog: pet tips


My Story About Raising Orphaned Kittens

A few years ago, we were visiting a rancher friend of ours. On a tour of the barn, we came across an abandoned 3-week old kitten, who was later named Darryl. He was the first kitten of 12 that we have successfully fostered and rehomed, over the past two years.

dog cold treat

Summer Treats for Your Pet

Hot summer days spent lounging out in the yard are always made much more enjoyable when accompanied by an icy treat. It’s not only you who can enjoy these activities, your pet will also enjoy such treats on a hot summer day!

cat on someone's lap

10 Strange But True Feline Facts!!

1) Not all cats are affected by catnip:  Half the cats in the world do not at all respond to catnip!  Sensitivity to Catnip is inherited.  Cats with only one catnip sensitive parent have a 50% chance of developing sensitivity, while those with both parents carrying the gene have a…

dog playing in the snow

Winterize Your Play Time!

Winter means it is dark and cold before you are even home from work but that shouldn’t mean you can’t still have play time with your pooch!