Blog: Pet Care

dog cold treat

Summer Treats for Your Pet

Hot summer days spent lounging out in the yard are always made much more enjoyable when accompanied by an icy treat. It’s not only you who can enjoy these activities, your pet will also enjoy such treats on a hot summer day!

dog dressed for a party

Weird and Awesome Holidays Just for Your Pets

There are many holidays that get forgotten about. Here are some holidays specifically for your furry companions, from January to December:

Dog playing in the field

Protect Your Dog This Summer

Summer is all about fun in the sun, especially with our four-legged friends. However, with rising temperatures and more time spent outdoors, this could mean more trips to the veterinarian. Causes can include heat stroke, dehydration, ripped nails, fleas, ticks and burnt paws.


Mission Ridge Animal Hospital Deworming Recommendations

Spring is in the air, and with this comes the return of parasite prevention. All of the snow melting around us reveals a parasite haven!