Blog: Pet Care

Household Safety Tips for Your Pets

Household Dangers for Pets

Many people think that the only dangers for their pets can be in the outdoors, if you are one of them, be aware!

Woman showing x-ray to a group of kids

Paws in the Classroom

Well it’s a wrap. We are happy to say that we had another successful year with our Paws in the Classroom Program. During the 2016-2017 school year we had the pleasure of visiting 16 classrooms in the St Albert area. At Mission Ridge Animal Hospital we strongly believe in being…

Fluffy cat with blue eyes looking up

How to Brush your Pet’s Teeth by Quinn

Set expectations that getting used to brushing your pets teeth might take several sessions. For best results, choose “quiet times” only for handling your pet’s mouth and muzzle area. Practice lifting their lip to see their teeth, and reward your pet through the training process (treats, positive reinforcement – whatever…